Sustainor is an experienced consultancy company that helps companies in a simple and fast process to develop and implement the right way to work with CSR and sustainability. Companies exist to make money, and it must be profitable to be sustainable. Sustanor wished to be part of 17 Global Goals of Sustainable Development drawn up by the United Nations. Jutebar contacted them and asked if Sustainor has any dream of being a part of global goals. Sustainor eager to know about Jutebar and Jute. Then I gave a presentation to them about what Jute is? , how Jute is good for sustainable living? , is jute products also biodegradable? and what UN sustainable living goals cover Jutebar?.
After the presentation Sustainor became a partner with Jutebar. They bought jute bags for their clients to send gifts. After handshaking with Jutebar , Sutainor contributed to poverty reduction and climate change.
Inagaki, M. (2000). New carbons: Control of structure and functions. Elsevier Science.
Singh, A. K., Kumar, M., & Mitra, S. (n.d.). Carbon footprint and energy use in jute and allied fibre production. August 2018.