Among the 17 SDG goals, Jutebar Denmark ApS is in compliance with 4 of them. About 6 million people work in Bangladesh producing and creating goods made of jute. Jutebar Denmark ApS promised to market and promote their products in the Nordic region, including Denmark, in order to lift them out of the deepest levels of poverty. On the other side, if they encourage the use of alternatives to plastic items like Jutebar Denmark ApS manufacturing, the Danish government can also save 1.5 billion DKK annually. As jute breathes out oxygen into the environment and takes in carbon from the environment, Jutebar Denmark ApS offers a partnering program to Danish and Nordic corporations and governments to help them use jute-based goods to minimize their carbon footprint.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 12 aims to reduce excessive resource extraction and redirect consumption in a sustainable direction. Utilizing jute products could ease the strain on fossil fuels while also alleviating the long-term drawbacks of disposing of synthetic goods (Chakraborty, 2020). Usage of jute products could reduce the burden of fossil fuels and at the same time would also palliate the long-term adversities of synthetic goods disposal. The achievement of this goal essentially diverts the trajectory of the policy approach toward more sustainable consumption and production pattern. This in turn would demand a commitment from the industries to not just adopt sustainable practices in business and procurement processes but also downsize subsidies for fossil fuels, which predominantly reflect a mode of an economy that is based on r take-make-dispose methods (Gabriel et al, 2020). The process needs to integrate recycling into its apparatus.
Goal 13- Climate Actions
This is a crucial objective that calls attention to the massive greenhouse gas emissions wreaking havoc on the environment. It poses many risks to maintaining life on Earth, including fast Arctic Ice Melt, Global Warming, and Ozone Layer Depletion (Chakraborty, 2020). Jute absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere as it develops and releases it as it decomposes, just like all other plants. According to studies, jute assimilates carbon dioxide at a rate that is several times higher than that of other trees. According to studies, throughout the jute growth season, one hectare of jute plants may absorb up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide and release 11 tons of oxygen (about 100 days). One-sixth of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced during the production of PP are also released during the transport and milling of jute fiber (Islam, 2013).
Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 1 of the SDGs talks about poverty alienation. Hunger and poverty have been major challenges for the entire world. In this regard, it is important to mention that natural fiber industries, such as jute, offer jobs and serve as a source of income for a large number of people all over the world. Jute cultivation is a significant source of income for a significant number of families as well as it also employs a large number of people in the manufacturing and trading processes (Chakraborty, 2020). Thus, promoting jute products can lead to the development of an eco-system that is sustainable for both the environment and a large population (Amreen, 2019). Therefore, encouraging jute goods and other natural fibers will guarantee sustainable development and significantly contribute in eradicating poverty (Chakraborty, 2020).
One of the major objective of Jutebar is the reduction of poverty. Most jute farmers and artisans are underprivileged, and they do not receive a fair wage for their work. Jutbar therefore decided to lead them. By acquiring and exporting local jute and jute products, Jutebar is fostering opportunities for jute growers. Through Juteplus Bangladesh Limited, Jutebar has always bought jute and jute goods directly from regional farmers and artisans, which directly supports the farmers and artisans in the region. Sadly, some evil giant privately owned firm has so far denied them a reasonable price. By giving these farmers and craftspeople accurate pricing and honest information on product management, Jutbar has created new opportunities.
Goal-8: Decent work and economic growth
This goal aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (Goal 8 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs, n.d.). Due to the nature of the industry, it is labor intensive and employs a great number of people. Also as jute made products does not need a lot of processing and use of chemicals the workers have a decent workplace. One of Bangladesh’s main economic sectors is jute covering around 4.9% of the nation’s overall export revenue. Currently, 26 state-owned jute mills employ about 3 million people. 18% of the entire staff of BJMC’s jute mills is women. Due to the Compulsory Use of Jute in Packaging 2010 Act, the demand for and sale of jute products have multiplied on the domestic market. Jute Diversification Promotion Center (JDPC)-managed efforts to diversify jute products have resulted in the creation of 400 successful entrepreneurs, 60% of whom are women (Ministry of Finance, n.d).
While manufacturing eco-friendly bags is the primary focus of Jutebar, we also uphold a fair trade policy and demand that all parties involved in our supply chain, including farmers who grow the jute crop, dealers, and producers of jute textiles, have similar values. We are accountable to factory workers for the working conditions that result in the creation of goods and services. While we uphold a gender policy that fosters a suitable and healthy working environment for women, women are especially encouraged to join our team.
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