Currently Jute Bar has business relations with three Danish companies which are Green pleasure, Sustainor and Nyman and Juhl. These companies also have the aspiration to contribute to UN 21 century goals like sustainability and reducing poverty. Their desires were enlightened through Jute Bar products.  Impossible is nothing – the journey of Jute Bar begins with the story of Green Pleasure. 


At Green Pleasure, they bring you 100% fresh ingredients from the best organic growers. Through their direct contact with the growers, they ensure that they always receive the freshest ingredients. For many of the items, this even means that they are harvested only once you have ordered your items from us. In this way, they extend the shelf life of the raw materials and together reduce food waste.

The road from farm to fork is therefore often not very long when people shop at Green Pleasure. They ensure this by avoiding intermediaries in transport such as. cold storage and maturation chambers. At the same time, this is how they significantly reduce CO2 consumption. Precisely the consideration for the environment is crucial for them. This applies both to the way they transport the raw materials, but to a large extent also to the way they are produced. Therefore, they only work with growers where production is sustainable.

Their focus is on minimizing the environmental impact, among other things. also expressed through the different seasons. In some periods they will e.g. find southern European vegetables in the range, which is also grown in Denmark, but which has been chosen due to the fact that the cultivation at the given time has a larger CO2 footprint in Denmark than cultivation and transport from southern Europe combined. This is because there can often be an environmental benefit to transporting fruits and vegetables over a longer distance from a warmer climate rather than growing them in a heated greenhouse. In addition, the taste is often also better when the raw material is produced and matured under the sun in the wild. When it makes sense in terms of climate and quality, it is of course the lovely Danish ingredients that you will find in the range.

In general, Green Pleasure focuses on taking in the goods that have the lowest CO2 footprint. It can also mean overseas goods that are shipped by ship due to a lower climate footprint. On the other hand, they are strongly opposed to the use of aircraft as transport, and as a customer you will therefore not find items in Green Pleasure`s range that have been transported either near or far by air. 

Green Pleasure’s concern was how they can minimize the CO2 footprints globally through their products and  Jute Bar threw light on the fact that Green Pleasure can deliver fruits and vegetables by using  jute products which can be a way to minimize the CO2 footprints globally because in Jute production :

The carbon footprint is low. Jute is a fast growing field crop with high carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation rate. Jute plants clean the air by consuming large quantities of CO2, which is the main cause of the greenhouse effect. One hectare of jute plants can consume about 15 tons of CO2 from atmosphere and release about 11 tons of oxygen in the 100 days of the jute-growing season(Singh et al., n.d.). Studies also show that the CO2 assimilation rate of jute is several times higher than trees. The ecological footprint is low. Jute is traditionally farmed, it is grown in similar conditions to organic produce. As there is crop rotation, little or no pesticides are used and nothing is genetically modified. The water footprint is low. The global water supply is diminishing. Jute is mainly rain fed unlike cotton (2.5% of the world’s water!)(Inagaki, 2000).


Sustainor is an experienced consultancy company that helps companies in a simple and fast process to develop and implement the right way to work with CSR and sustainability. Companies exist to make money, and it must be profitable to be sustainable. Sustanor wished to be part of 17 Global Goals of Sustainable Development drawn up by the United Nations. Jutebar contacted them and asked if Sustainor has any dream of being a part of global goals. Sustainor eager to know about Jutebar and Jute. Then I gave a presentation to them about what Jute is? , how Jute is good for sustainable living? , is jute products also biodegradable? and what UN sustainable living goals cover Jutebar?. 

After the presentation Sustainor became a partner with Jutebar. They bought jute bags for their clients to send gifts. After handshaking with Jutebar , Sutainor contributed to poverty reduction and climate change.


Inagaki, M. (2000). New carbons: Control of structure and functions. Elsevier Science. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080437132

Singh, A. K., Kumar, M., & Mitra, S. (n.d.). Carbon footprint and energy use in jute and allied fibre production. August 2018.